I’m dedicating this post to my two Ms, because before them no one had ever devoted such full attention to me and with such enthusiasm. Here goes… Our reading time before going to sleep is one of the most wonderful moments I share with my daughters Manuela and Maria. It has become a routine that […]
I’m a well-prepared person and when I travel with the whole family I pack our luggage consciously, unlike when I travel alone or as a couple, when I wait until the last minute to pack my suitcase. I’m taking the experience of our latest trip with our daughters to the Maldives as an opportunity to […]
How can a moment that is awaited with such happiness and enthusiasm become a traumatic experience? That is what happened with my daughter Manuela, who aged three and a half has started school in a new school. I held back the tears on four occasions. I explained to her that I felt the same; that […]
Today’s post is another response to your requests; I am sharing my daughters’ weekly menu. I don’t know if you are single or if you live with your family, but I know I get uptight about being the one responsible for deciding “what is there for lunch today”, and “what is there for dinner today”… […]
There are so many things that I used to say before becoming a mother… one of them was: “Siblings should be raised in diversity so that each child develops their own identity; that’s why I won’t dress my children the same”. How silly and daring to judge from ignorance. That is why today, openly, I […]
Now I understand the headache and time involved in finding the “perfect school”, which my friends who are parents have already been through. At the time, I remember them telling me… “I’m thinking of moving house to be closer to the school I like”… “Will my child be more comfortable in a smaller and more […]
Today I feel the need to share confessions that I think many of you, as mothers and fathers, will relate to, concerning this phase with our children. And, as the saying goes, “misery loves company”… My daughter Manuela’s terrible two phase is stretching into the terrible threes. This expression is used to refer to the […]
Expressing my aesthetic universe, my way of seeing and experiencing the world, is a part of my life that I need to share. Creativity is a source of vitality for me. Through fashion design, I bring to fruition ideas that are fuelled not only by the present, but also by the past, by everything that […]