Let’s talk about fats
I end the week with a new video about nutrition, one of those I love sharing and I see you like. Also, I’d like to take this opportunity to let you know that if you don’t see your comments published and answered yet, don’t worry. This wonderful community is growing and being a full time working mum, 24 hours a day are not enough. I hope you can understand it and be patient.
Once again, I meet with my friend and nutritional coach Mª. Antonia Rodríguez to talk about fats. We will share with you the types of fat and in which foods we can find them to benefit from them. Fats have been demonized and I am sure you can recall more than one weight-loss diet where those are forbidden. With this video we want to share some more information so you can judge and build a balanced diet that’s as healthy as possible. Said this, I’d like to advance you that healthy fats can turn bad, and bad fats can be good…
(Sorry the video is only in Spanish)